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코스프레의상, 소품

“흡혈기는 툭하면 죽는다.” 일본 만화 캐릭터 히로시 코스프레 의상 소품 제복 벳지

by coslook 2025. 3. 8.

“흡혈기는 툭하면 죽는다.” 일본 만화 캐릭터 히로시 코스프레 의상 소품 제복 벳지

유명한 일본 만화 캐릭터 흡혈기는 툭하면 죽는다 히로시 코스프레의상을 제작했습니다. 
저도 사실은 나무위키에서 찾아보고 이 캐릭터에 대해서 알았네요. ~
기노시타 히요시 ~~ㅎㅎ 흡혈귀 대책과 대장. 과거에는 흡혈귀 사냥꾼이였네요.

만화, 애니메이션 로드 홍보 행사에서 사용 예정인 코스프레 의상입니다. 
만화 캐릭터와 최대한 유사하게 제작해 달라는 의뢰를 받았습니다. 

코스프레의상, 코스프레소품, 영상소품, 행사의상 등
다양한 의도를 연출하고자 하시는 의상이 필요하시면
많은 경험과 자료를 준비하고 있는 coslook에 연락주세요. 
고민하시는 부분에 대한 해결점을 찾아드립니다. 
또, 현재 유명 코스프레 모델들과 협업을 진행하고 있어서
코스프레모델행사나 특수분장, 이벤트 행사진행에 대해서 문의 주시면
이색적이고 다양한 행사 진행에 대한 도움을 드리고 있습니다. 

LINE ID coslook
카톡 아이디 coslook 

24시간 언제든지 궁금한 점 연락 주시면 빠르게 답변 드립니다. 

코스프레 제복
코스프레 의상
코스프레 소품

원단은 제가 개인적으로 좋아하는 도톰한 면 느낌이 나는 군복 원단을 베이스로 사용하고 배색부분도 같은 원단을 사용했습니다. 단, 테두리 부분은 콤비를 만들어서 화려한 레자로 포인트를 살렸습니다. 

단추는 이미지와 가장 잘 맞는 금장단추입니다. 

어깨부터 내려가는 어깨벨트와 허리벨트는 가죽을 사용해 제작했습니다. 쉽게 착용하고 탈착이 가능할 수 있도록 만들었습니다. 
가슴 브로치는 자세히 보이지 않아 저희가 최대한 보고 캐릭터의 느낌을 살려 제작하기로 했습니다. 소재는 아크릴과 소프트우레탄을 사용하여 제작하였습니다. 탈부착은 뒤쪽에 핀을 달아서 쉽게 달 수 있어요. 


만화 코스프레 의상
무대행사 의상

코트의 밑 쪽에 여유분을 넣어 재단했어요. 그래야 배우가 무대에서 움직일 때 좀 화려해 보이거든요. ~~ ^^ 화려함이 움직임을 크게 만드는 것이다. ~~
깃에 보이는 화려한 콤비라인과 배색 라인을 제작하기 힘들었어요.
여러 디자이너와 패턴 부장님과 상의를 거쳐서 완성하게 되었습니다. 
우선 폭이 아주 일정하게 제작되어야 했구요.

행사 후에 사용을 할 수 있기에 튼튼하게 제작되어야 했습니다. 
우리가 제작하는 코스프레의상과 코스프레소품은 지속적인 일상생활에서 착용하는 의상이 아니라 정확한 날짜에 정해진 퍼포먼스를 위해 제작되는 의상과 소품입니다.
화려함이 강조되고 움직임의 편안함이 강조되는 의상들이죠. 
물론 배우들의 안전이 가장 중요하죠.

다양한 CF, 영화, 드라마의 제복이나 무대의상, 소품 제작에 관련된 내용은 유경코스룩에서 해결해드리고 있습니다. 

코스프레의상, 코스프레소품, 영상소품, 행사의상 등
다양한 의도를 연출하고자 하시는 의상이 필요하시면
많은 경험과 자료를 준비하고 있는 coslook에 연락주세요. 
고민하시는 부분에 대한 해결점을 찾아드립니다. 
또, 현재 유명 코스프레 모델들과 협업을 진행하고 있어서
코스프레모델행사나 특수분장, 이벤트 행사진행에 대해서 문의 주시면
이색적이고 다양한 행사 진행에 대한 도움을 드리고 있습니다. 

LINE ID coslook
카톡 아이디 coslook 

24시간 언제든지 궁금한 점 연락 주시면 빠르게 답변 드립니다. 



"Vampires often die." Japanese cartoon character Hiroshi Cosplay Costume Accessories Uniform Betsy

The famous Japanese cartoon character Vampire produced the costume Hiroshi Cosplay.
I actually looked it up on Namuwiki and found out about this character. ~
Hiyoshi Kinoshita~~LOL Vampire Countermeasures Team Leader. You were a vampire hunter in the past.

This cosplay outfit will be used at the promotion event of cartoon and animation road.
I was asked to make it as similar as possible to the cartoon character.

As for the fabric, I used the military uniform fabric that has a thick cotton feel that I personally like, and the same fabric was used for the color scheme. However, I made a combination of the edges to highlight the point with the colorful leather.

A button is a gold button that best fits the image.

The shoulder and waist belts that go down from the shoulders are made of leather. They are made to be easily worn and detachable.
The chest brooch is not visible in detail, so we decided to make it look as good as possible and make it look like the character. The material is made of acrylic and soft urethane. It is easy to attach and detach by attaching pins at the back.

I cut it with extra space at the bottom of the coat. That's how the actor looks a little colorful when he moves on stage. ~~^^ The splendor makes the movement big. ~~

It was difficult to produce a colorful combination line and color line on the collar.
It was completed after consulting with various designers and pattern managers.
First of all, the width had to be very constant.
It had to be made sturdy because it could be used after the event.
The cosplay costumes and cosplay props we produce are not the costumes we wear in our continuous daily lives, but the costumes and props that are made for the performance set on the exact date.
These are costumes that emphasize splendor and comfort of movement.
Of course, the safety of actors is the most important thing.

The Yookyung course look solves the contents related to the uniform, stage costume, and prop production of various CFs, movies, and dramas.

Cosplay clothes, cosplay accessories, video accessories, event clothes, etc
If you need outfits that you want to show various intentions
Please contact coslook, which has a lot of experience and materials.
We will find a solution to your concerns.
We're also collaborating with famous cosplay models
If you ask about cosplay model events, special makeup, or events
We help you with the exotic and diverse events.

LINE ID coslook
Kakaotalk ID coslook

If you contact me anytime 24 hours a day, I will respond quickly.

#costume for cosplay
#Cosplay props
#uniform production
#cosplay clothes
#brooch production
#Cosplay props production
#Props production



「吸血器はすぐ死ぬ。」 日本 漫画 キャラクター ヒロシ コスプレ 衣装 小物 制服 バッジ

私も実はナムウィキで調べてみて、このキャラクターについて知りました。 ~


生地は私が個人的に好きな厚手の綿の感じがする軍服の生地をベースに使用し、配色部分も同じ生地を使用しました。 ただ、縁の部分はコンビを組んで派手なレザーでポイントを生かしました。


肩から下がる肩ベルトと腰ベルトは革を使って製作しました。 簡単に着用して着脱ができるように作りました。
胸のブローチは詳しく見えないので、私たちが最大限見てキャラクターの感じを生かして製作することにしました。 素材はアクリルとソフトウレタンを使用して製作しました。 脱着は後ろ側にピンをつけて簡単につけることができます。

コートの下側に余裕分を入れて裁断しました。 そうしてこそ、俳優が舞台で動く時、ちょっと華やかに見えるんですよ。 ~~ ^^ 華やかさが動きを大きくするのだ。 ~~




LINE ID coslook
カカオトークID coslook


